Boundless: A Drizzt Novel (Generations Book 2) by R.A. Salvatore

I’m a longtime fan of the Drizzt novels by R.A. Salvatore. We recently reviewed Timeless, the first book in the Generations series, on an Unsettling Reads podcast. It was my January pick on the show. I finally got the chance (and the time!) to get my hands on Boundless, the second book in the series. I needed to know what happened next to some of my favorite characters, not to mention I love getting whisked away to the dark, fabulous, and fantastic settings Salvatore has created. Drizzt and Salvatore fans will love this installment.

Boundless starts out with a bang - we are immediately thrown into a battle with some formidable demons! The chaos of Lolth is all about making a glorious mess of everything, and this book gives readers many opportunities to witness her love of all things chaotic. It’s a fun ride figuring out who is double-crossing whom throughout the book, as well. There is always something afoot, and you can bet its devious, deceitful, and dangerous. Salvatore keeps you riveted throughout the story with the main plot as well as subplots that keep you guessing.

Drizzt is a big part of these books, but even moreso are Jarlaxle and Zaknafein. These two drow drive the plot of Boundless. Not only are their fighting skills showcased throughout, but their complicated relationship is another excellent piece of the story. I love how they bring suspense and action along with a smattering of comedic relief.

The character names and organizations Salvatore has created bring a lot of flavor to the story. The Gut Buster Brigade, the Grinning Ponies, Matron Malice, Queen Mallabritches, and the Bouldershoulders are just a few of the clever names you will encounter. Keep in mind though, there are a LOT of names in these books. Horses, spirit plane animals, as well as weapons all have names - not to mention some of the demons! It can be a lot to keep up with, especially when you throw in the names of houses and the matrons who rule them.

Some of the chapters are glimpses into Drizzt’s journal, giving the reader insight into the underlying theme of the novel. He battles inner thoughts about religions and societal constraints, sexism and racism. He ponders the reliability of the truth that is passed down over millennia. Drizzt’s thoughts are the rudder keeping us on our path amidst the chaos. Salvatore finds a way to touch on important topics without bashing you over the head, allowing readers to contemplate their own thoughts and understanding alongside Drizzt. There are recurring moments that hint at groups at odds finding common ground and learning how to live together, not to mention the old adage “don’t judge a book by its cover.”

The monsters in this book are fantastic! Salvatore introduces some creatures I hadn’t seen in a while, and their formidable abilities bring a lot of suspense and thrills to their scenes. These beasts and villains add a lot of action and excitement throughout the story, and the battles that raged were quite enjoyable. You think you know what is going to happen, but Salvatore doesn’t like to be predictable. It’s a wild ride, and readers will be quickly turning pages to find out more.

This book ends on a cliffhanger, as a second book in a trilogy should! I’ve already gotten my copy of Relentless, the third and final installment in the Generations Series, and I can’t wait to read it. I, for one, am looking forward to all of the mayhem and shenanigans Jarlaxle and Zaknafein will bring. May it rival and disrupt the chaos of the mighty Spider Queen Lolth!


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