Driving in the Dark: A Short Story by Jack Harding


“Driving in the Dark” is a short story by Jack Harding. It weighs in at 24 pages, and it was published on December 6, 2021.

I learned about Jack Harding when I recently read Slice of Paradise: A Beach Vacation Horror Anthology, published by DarkLit Press in February 2022. His story “She Waits” was included as a Hundred Word Horror Winner. I really enjoyed it, and I was curious what a longer piece of his work would be like. I grabbed a copy of “Driving in the Dark,” and I’m so glad I did.

This story starts out in a mundane setting. Riley is driving home from work, and he has quite the commute. We experience his thoughts during his 70 mile drive home. Along the way, we learn about his current relationship with Emma, the love of his life. Like most people, his mind wanders during the long drive, and Riley ends up reminiscing about past relationships gone wrong, aptly referring to his exes as “roadblocks, speedbumps, and learning curves on his road to true happiness.” I enjoyed the theming in this story and how everything in his life is in some way connected to his drive.

What I love, as you are trudging along with Riley on his journey, is that your own mind is searching for answers and guessing what is happening. The story takes place in the driver’s seat of a car. It sounds like it would be dull, yet you can’t help but keep going down the road with him, gathering information and speeding toward the answers at the finish line. Harding definitely kept me guessing until the very end.

In the beginning, it took me a little while to really get hooked. The pacing starts at a slow clip, easing us into the story. I’m a reader who craves immediate action, or at least a hint of action early on. I stayed the course, though, and I was rewarded. When I reached the end of the book, I was left mouth agape and flooded with a variety of emotions. Everything clicked into place perfectly, and it made me want to read it again just to enjoy the subtle nuances throughout the story. I enjoyed “Driving in Darkness” and can’t wait to read more of Harding’s work.



Want more Jack Harding?


Keep your eyes open for Jack Harding’s upcoming release The Devil’s Mountain, published by DarkLit Press.

From the author of React and Driving in the Dark comes a fresh slice of slow-boiling, psychological horror that will chill you to the bone. (Goodreads)

Check out more of Jack Harding’s works:


Welcome to Smileyland by Spencer Hamilton


Nature’s Perfume & “The Masterpiece” by Mark Towse