Scratches by Joshua Marsella

Scratches is a debut horror novella by indie author Joshua Marsella. The story is told from the point of view of Connor, a 12-year-old boy who lives with his mother. Their relationship is a bit rocky. Connor hasn’t grown up with a father or any other significant male role model. His questions about his father are quickly shut down by his mother who has taken to drinking heavily since the two inherited her late father’s house. In an attempt to stay cool during a summer heat wave, Connor moves his bedroom into the basement. Unfortunately, his doing so awakens an evil from the past that has been waiting for him.

Marsella should be proud of his debut. Scratches brings the creepy and the macabre without sacrificing a thrilling plot. He eases you into the story, giving you a glimpse into the everyday life of Connor and his mother Janet. I really enjoyed the dynamic of their relationship that he created as well as Connor’s reaction to it. The characters and their general issues felt genuine and real. Connor is a laidback tween and avid horror comic reader who can’t resist the mystery surrounding why his mother has never told him much about his father or hers. He manages to stumble upon some information he later wishes he didn’t know - perhaps ignorance truly is bliss. Now, the cat’s clawing its way out of the proverbial bag, and it’s time for Marsella to pull the rug out from under us, plunging us into a nightmare that Connor can’t shake. There is a spooky undercurrent throughout the story that plays on your fears through the eyes of both Connor and Janet.

One of my favorite things about reading this story was the reference to TV shows and songs I loved from my youth - Wheel of Fortune, Creepshow, The Price is Right, Paint It Black by the Rolling Stones, even M.A.S.H. to name a few. Marsella also gives us a comic relief character (pun intended) named Jeff who works in the local comic book store. He’s overflowing with 80’s references, quips, and good old-fashioned small town gossip. It’s a nice break in the story to set you up for the horrors to come.

I bought Scratches in May, about a week after it was published. I’d seen Joshua Marsella’s promotion of his debut release on Instagram. Not only did his enthusiasm for his novella catch my attention, the plot was intriguing and the cover art caught my eye. I decided to grab a copy for myself then promptly got distracted from reading it due to the April 1st debut of the podcast I co-host - Unsettling Reads. This awesome story sat buried in my TBR stack for way too long. Recently, while trying to decide on my next read, I learned that Marsella had published his second work Severed, the prequel to Scratches, on February 4, 2021. I flipped through my e-reader and queued up Scratches without a second thought. Once I started reading it, I found myself grabbing any free moment that day to open it and read more. The story hooked me, and I finished it in less than 24 hours. It has received many positive reviews, and they are well deserved. It’s a smooth read, except when you’re sitting on the edge of your seat wondering what’s about to happen next!

Author Joshua Marsella is a stay-at-home dad from Augusta, Maine. He is also a book and vinyl collector. All you need to do to see his love for both is to follow his Instagram account - joshua_marsella. I enjoy seeing which albums he is introducing to his young kids as well as what books he has read. He is a voracious reader, having read 70 books according to Joshua’s Goodreads profile. One thing I have noticed following him on social media, he genuinely loves reading, writing, music, and his family - perhaps not in that order, though. His excitement for what he does is contagious. He also posts reviews on the books he reads and has an altruistic attitude toward fellow writers. You can follow him on Twitter @JoshuaMarsella , and you can learn more about him and his work on his website.

Scratches was indie published by Joshua Marsella on May 11, 2020. It weighs in at 130 pages and is available both as an e-book and a paperback. The cover art and the interior title art are the work of Dave Dick Illustration. I am a huge fan of his horror art. I did a shout out to Dave Dick on Unsettling Reads S1E9. A link to his work can be found on the show notes. You can also find him on Twitter @davedick or on his Instagram account - dave_dick_.

Joshua Marsella is an up-and-coming author to keep your eyes on! I can’t wait to check out more of his work, and I hope you will do the same.


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